Monday, May 05, 2014

That Evening Feeling, Lots Road Pumping Station (3) Chelsea Marathon

This is the third piece in the current series of paintings and drawings around Chelsea.

I have returned to the area around my studio which is around Lots Road.

That Evening Feeling, Lots Road Pumping Station, 8" x 10", Oil on Board

 To purchase this painting please click HERE
This is another view I can't believe I haven't painted for 10 years since being in this area.

Adebanji painting Evening Feeling, Lots Road Pumping Station

I just love the contrast of the warm red brick against the cool effects of the overall picture.

" If a particular place around where you live or work strikes a chord within your spirit, don't waste time, go out and paint it! If you don't, that place will haunt you all your life!"-Adebanji Alade

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